Friday, June 22, 2012

First 2 days in brief

We made it hitch free to Geneva and as it turns out the place we are staying used to be the quarters for Voltaire's servants (imagine that).  This will be a brief update, a bigger more picture filled one will follow tomorrow as we are too tired to do such this evening.  What we have done so far includes; watching soccer matches (on public TV's surround by crowds of cheering Europeans), navigate Geneva's bus system with much ease, took a brief walk across the river to check out Lake Geneva and its geyser of a fountain, used our very poor french to buy groceries and we even got to see some live music (as it turns out this weekend is a music festival in Geneva, who knew).  More details and eye candy on deck for tomorrow so stay tuned in (if that can be applied to the internet) and enjoy our ramblings!

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