Thursday, June 28, 2012

The UN

Matt and I were able to get a tour of the UN that was both interesting and entertaining.  After learning about how the system works, it is a wonder that they are able to get very much accomplished with all the differing opinions flying about, and with no real power to force any countries to abide by the rulings, its also a wonder the UN is as effective as it is.
 The international communications building which has a lot to do with making sure all the messages get to where they need to be across the globe.

 It is difficult not to be inspired when looking down the row of flags from 193 countries around the world.  One is left with the sense of real importance.
 The largest conference room in the UN, this one seats 2,000 people including delegates and public spectators.
This massive three legged chair placed across the street and directly in front of the flags is there to remind everyone of the dangers posed by landmines throughout the world.  Costing only 1-5 dollars to create and upwards of $2,000 to remove not including the immense danger posed to those who remove them landmines are an absolute menace
Not far from the UN this is the Red Cross headquarters; also the building where our host and friend Yvette works!  You may notice the flag is at half mast; Yvette informed us that this is because one of their colleagues was killed recently on the job.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and commentary! Thanks for the posting.
