Monday, July 2, 2012

Night Life

Sorry for the delay in updates, our internet access in Dresden has not been as simple as previously, but here is a small one, hopefully to be followed by several more.

These are a couple pictures from the public viewings of the soccer matches while we were still in Geneva.  Soccer matches are almost more of a cultural event in Europe than they are a sport so literally  thousands of people come out to watch, socialize and let loose.  We also had the good fortune of watching the England vs Italy game at Mathieu's place which was much more calm and a fun get together!

This is one of the bands that we saw during the music festival (their name escapes me).

These three were taken on the street above and slightly behind the area where we were watching the live music.  The churches in Europe are quite impressive in their scale.

Thats all for the Geneva pictures from our first visit, I am going to attempt to get some of the Dresden pictures uploaded in just a few minutes while the internet seems to be cooperating.  We've had a blast here in Dresden and have much to share so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you. Say hi to all the family there ... staying tuned!
